John Hartig Biography
John Hartig, Vineland Author, was born in Austria. He moved to Canada with his family at the age of 8. Canada seemed like such a strange land to an 8 year-old boy from Europe! The national sport here was hockey, and football was "soccer"!
John lived in several provinces: Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. He even put in a stint in Germany and France, but that's another story. John acquired an M.A. in English Literature at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Then a teaching degree at the University of B.C., then a diploma in Corporate Communications from Sheridan College, then a Webmaster's Certificate from Mohawk College...then, my goodness...let's just say his education is "well-rounded". .
At different times, John was a news reporter, an editor, a high-school teacher, an apprentice electrician, a wedding photographer, a web designer, and has now setttled on being a Canadian author writing all sorts of books from his little village in Vineland, Ontario.
John writes murder mysteries, cowboy novels, history, science-fiction and biographies. He relies neither on his talent, nor his good looks, to make a living with his three endeavours in writing, web design, and photography. To sum up, John has had a varied career. He also hopes to continue with a few more deeds and accomplishments to stretch his biography out just a little bit more in keeping time's winged chariot at bay!
Skills & Other Stuff
As a retired person, I've been able to do a lot of things with my camera and my computer. Here is a brief list of the skills which I've applied to my family photos, my websites and my photo books of the Niagara Region..
- photo repair
- scanning
- enhancements
- album design
- wedding business
is retired now
- hosting
- web design
- banners + logos
- personal sites
- websites for wedding
- + family and ancestry
- small business websites
- slideshows
- provide images for brochures
+ posters
- CD custom design
- coffee table books of Niagara
The Niagara Peninsula
- Scenery prints for home or office
- Niagara landmarks
- Niagara Falls
- Niagara on the Lake
- Balls Falls + Bruce Trail
- Port Dalhousie
- Morningstar Mill
- seasons + flowers
- photo cards 5x7
John's Computer and Photo Hobby
*My images are available for brochures, calendars, posters, bill-boards and other websites. I'm glad I'm retired though, and don't have to rely on my hobby to make a living,
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